[75] Ching-Kang Huang, Jun Hayashi, Takahiro Sako, Hiroshi Kawanabe and Masashi Katsuki, “Study on the stability of low heat release rate flames by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, (2024), 111386, Online available.
[74] Noritaka Sako, Jun Hayashi, Chihiro Inoue, Hiroshi Kawanabe and Yu Daimon, “Boiling induced atomization of liquid film produced by oblique jet impingement on superheated wall”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 158(2024), 111262.
[73] Yuto Akiyama, Saurabh Agrawal, Kensho Takenaka, Jun Hayashi, Youhi Morii, Hisashi Nakamura, Kaoru Maruta, and Hiroshi Kawanabe, “Effect of jetting motion induced by NRPD on initial flame kernel development in quiescent mixtures”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40(2024), 105446.
[72] Ghazian Amin Mukhtar, Naoto Horibe, Kenji Hiraoka, Koki Shimogawa, Jun Hayashi, Hiroshi Kawanabe, Gin Morita, “Combustion analysis of Hydrogen-DDF mode based on OH* chemiluminescence images”, SAE Technical Papers, (2024), 2024-01-2367.
[71] Noritaka Sako, Jun Hayashi, Takahiro Sako, Hiroshi Kawanabe and Masashi Katsuki, “Nitrogen-origin-determination in NOx formation under ammonia/methane/air co-combustion using a nitrogen-tagged reaction model”, Combustion and Flame, 259(2024), 113210.
[70] Shinya Sawada, Daisuke Okada, Kazuki Tainaka, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Tsukasa Hori, Jun Hayashi, and Fumiteru Akamatsu, “Simultaneous Measurements of LII/LIF/LIS on Single-Coal-Particle Combustion”, Applied Physics B, 129(2023), 159.
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[68] Saurabh Agrawal, Shuya Yamamoto, Naoto Horibe, Jun Hayashi, and Hiroshi Kawanabe, “Ignition Characteristics of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Ignition System under Elevated Pressure and Temperature in Rapid Compression and Expansion Machine”, SAE Int. J. Engines, 16(8), (2023), 03-16-08-0060.
[67] Jun Hayashi, Nozomu Hashimoto, Yoshiaki Okubo, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Yasue Tanaka, Tomohiro Hori, Fumiteru Akamatsu, “Evolution of Droplet Size of Jet-A Surrogate Fuel Measured by High-Speed Interferometric Laser Imaging for Droplet Sizing in High Temperature Region Formed by Methane/Air Flat Flame in Laminar Counterflow Field”, Fuel, 344(2023), 128017.
[66] Noritaka Sako, Kouhei Noda, Jun Hayashi, Yu Daimon, Hiroshi Kawanabe, “Liquid film and heat transfer characteristics during superheated wall cooling via pulsed injection of a liquid jet”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 205(2023), 123934.
[65] Xu Wen, Federica Ferraro, Hendrik Nicolai, Nozomu Hashimoto, Jun Hayashi, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Kazuki Tainaka, Christian Hasse, “Flamelet LES of a turbulent pulverized solid fuel flame using a detailed phenomenological soot model”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39(2022), in Press.
[64] Yukiko Hiramatsu, Takahiro Utsumi, Hirokazu Higuchi, Jun Hayashi, Takahiro Hiromatsu, Mitsuhiro Nikaido, Yuki Nakanishi, Takahiro Shimizu, Manabu Muto, Hiroshi Seno, “Thermal tissue damage caused by new endoscope model due to light absorption”, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 37(2022), 1801-1805.
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[61] Noritaka Sako, Kouhei Noda, Jun Hayashi, Yu Daimon, Hiroshi Kawanabe, “Quenching of a heated wall with spatial temperature gradient using a liquid film through oblique jet impingement”, Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., 192(2022), 122925.
[60] Hyun Jo, Yuta Kawai, Naoto Horibe, Jun Hayashi, Hiroshi Kawanabe, Takuji Ishiyama, “A study on diesel spray flame by time-resolved PIC with chemiluminescence image of OH*”, SAE Technical paper, (2021), 2021-01-1167.
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[57] Shinya Sawada, Daisuke Okada, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Kazuki Tainaka, Tsukasa Hori, Jun Hayashi, and Fumiteru Akamatsu, “Effects of ambient temperature on the combustion processes of single pulverized coal particle”, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 16-1(2021), JTST0011.
[56] Noritaka Sako, Jun Hayashi, Yu Daimon, Hiroumi Tani, and Hiroshi Kawanabe, “Experimental analysis of the spreading of a liquid film on a bipropellant thruster chamber wall”, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 16-1(2021), JTST0008.
[55] Hyun Jo, Taichi Ishikawa, Naoto Horibe, Jun Hayashi, Hiroshi Kawanabe, and Takuji Ishiyama, “Effect of Jet-Jet Angle on Combustion Process of Diesel Spray in an RCEM”, SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility, 3-1 (2021), 276-286.
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[54] Shinya Sawada, Daisuke Okada, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Kazuki Tainaka, Tsukasa Hori, Jun Hayashi, and Fumiteru Akamatsu, “Time-series temperature measurement during combustion process of volatile matter and coal char of single pulverized coal particle using magnified two-color pyrometry with blue backlit imaging”, Energy and Fuels, (2020), InPress, DOI:
[53] Jun Hayashi, Kazuki Tainaka, Toshiaki Fukada, Masaya Muto, Hiroshi Kawanabe, and Ryoichi Kurose, “Soot Formation Characteristics in a Pulverized Coal Flame Formed in a Swirling Flow”, Advanced Powder Technology, 31(2020), 3921-3927.
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[51] Zhiren Bai, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Jun Hayashi and Fumiteru Akamatsu, A Study on the Structure of the Stable Inverse Diffusion Flame from the Producer Gas of Woody Biomass, Journal of Japan Institute of Energy, 98(2019), 176-185.
[50] Jun Hayashi, Hiroumi Tani, Nozomu Kanno, Daisuke Sato, Yu Daimon, Fumiteru Akamatsu, Jason Gabl, Ariel Black, and Timothee Pourpoint, Multilayer reaction zones of a counterflow flame of gaseous Nitrogen Tetroxide and a liquid Monomethylhydrazine pool, Combustion and Flame, 201(2019), 244-251.
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[48] Jun Hayashi, Nozomu Hashimoto, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Kazuki Tainaka, Hirofumi Tsuji, Kenji Tanno, Hiroaki Watanabe, Hisao Makino and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Simultaneous Imaging of Mie Scattering, PAHs Laser induced Fluorescence and Soot Laser Induced Incandescence to a Lab-scale Turbulent Jet Pulverized Coal Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(2019), 3045-3052.
[47] Sara Lovascio, Jun Hayashi, Sergey Stepanyan, Gabi D. Stancu, Christophe O. Laux, Cumulative Effect of Successive Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges on the Ignition of Lean Mixtures, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(2019), 5553-5560. 10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.029.